.. _complement: ############### *complement* ############### | .. image:: ../images/tool-glyphs/complement-glyph.png :width: 600pt | ``bedtools complement`` returns all intervals in a genome that are **not** covered by at least one interval in the input BED/GFF/VCF file. .. seealso:: :doc:`../tools/merge` ========================================================================== Usage and option summary ========================================================================== **Usage**: :: bedtools complement -i -g **(or)**: :: complementBed -i -g ========================================================================== Default behavior ========================================================================== By default, ``bedtools complement`` returns all genomic intervals that are not covered by at least one record from the input file. .. code-block:: bash $ cat A.bed chr1 100 200 chr1 400 500 chr1 500 800 $ cat my.genome chr1 1000 chr2 800 $ bedtools complement -i A.bed -g my.genome chr1 0 100 chr1 200 400 chr1 800 1000 chr2 0 800 ========================================================================== ``-L`` Only report chromosomes that are in the `-i` file ========================================================================== Use the "**-L**" option to `L`imit the output to solely the chromosomes that are represented in the `-i` file. Chromosomes that are in `-g` but not `-i` will be suppressed For example (note the difference in coverage with and without **-s**: .. code-block:: bash $ cat A.bed chr1 100 200 chr1 400 500 chr1 500 800 $ cat my.genome chr1 1000 chr2 800 $ bedtools complement -i A.bed -g my.genome chr1 0 100 chr1 200 400 chr1 800 1000